花蓮縣文化局 Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau

Ciyun Bridge of the Central Cross-Island Highway
Ciyun Bridge of the Central Cross-Island Highway Ciyun Bridge of the Central Cross-Island Highway
Ciyun Bridge of the Central Cross-Island Highway
Category:Historic Buildings
Township:  秀林鄉

Address:  149K+550 at Provincial Highway No. 8 in Sioulin Township, Hualien County, 秀林鄉, 花蓮縣 972

Range:  Parcel No. 0047-0000, Songshan Section, Sioulin Township, Hualien County

No:  Jan. 28, 2015 Fu-Wen-Zi-Zi No. 1040018351A

Ciyun Bridge of the Central Cross-Island Highway

The steel truss bridge of the Central Cross-Island Highway is an important witness of history during the USAID Period and of great historical and cultural value. Moreover, the bridge was built by riveting, which is one of the old steel structure methods. The source of the components reflected the unique time period, and is of great value in terms of architectural or technical history.

花蓮縣文化局 Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau
TEL:886-3-8227121 FAX:886-3-8227665