Chengjing Valley Wood Art Museum
Chengjing Valley Wood Art Museum
  • Name: Chengjing Valley Wood Art Museum
  • Level: Folk premises
  • Rownsihip: Guangfu Township
  • Feature: Wood carvings, natural rare wood art.
  • Address: No.99, Dafeng, Guangfu Township, Hualien County 976
  • TEL: +886-8731098
  • Open hours:  08:00~16:00, Monday through Sunday
  • Ticket:  Free
Chengjing Valley Wood Art Museum Chengjing Valley Wood Art Museum


1. Wood carvings and art works on sale.
2. Rare wood art installations on sale.

A brief introduction of the facility:

The unprepossessing-looking Chengjing Valley Wood Art Museum is hidden in Dafeng Village in Guangfu. It may not look much on the outside, but the inside contains many wood art carvings and rare wood art pieces.
Most of the wood carvings in the museum follow natural growth shapes and grain patterns in their design.
In each piece, the warmth and simplicity of wood is presented and painstakingly carved.
The art pieces run from small table ornaments to large entrance installations. Apart from the art pieces, Director Chen Hongyuan also collects rare and precious woods. One of his treasures is a tree base almost 3 meters in diameter of a huge camphor tree. The roots of the tree twist and turn at fantastical angles and shapes. If it is set upright, it can be used as a natural screen that is absolutely magnificent.
For art collectors who like wood art and rare wood it is definitely worth visiting Guangfu to hunt for some treasures at the Chengjing Valley Wood Art Museum.

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Chengjing Valley Wood Art Museum
Address:No.99, Dafeng, Guangfu Township, Hualien County 976