
2017花蓮國際石雕藝術季-戶外創作營國際徵件決選結果出爐 5位台灣石雕家出線




花蓮縣文化局局長陳淑美表示,適逢「花蓮國際石雕藝術季」舉辦屆滿20年,同時相隔3年未辦,許多縣內、外民眾都昂首期盼,本屆公開徵件決選名額為12位,另外也特別邀請4位國、內外知名石雕家,包括臺灣藝術家王國憲、蔡文慶、中國藝術家劉洋以及法國藝術家澤維爾‧岡薩雷斯(Xavier Gonzalez)等一起來共襄盛舉,最終共16位石雕家參加7月份的現場大型創作。
3.義 大 利2位:Alessio Ranaldi《推陳出新》、Francesco Mazzotta《石
4.羅馬尼亞1位:Petre Virgiliu MOGOSANU《空間中的張力》
5.保加利亞1位:Zdravko Zdravkov《片段》
6.西班牙1位:Fernando Alvarez Ferez《海貝》
7.伊朗1位:Hossein Mollaei Foomani《等待》
另位備取3名石雕家分別是來自羅馬尼亞的藝術家NICOLAE RAZVAN MINCU《回憶》、韓國崔召東《永恆-2150》及保加利亞女性藝術家Liliya Pobornikova《靈感》。

Short List Noun Released, Including 5 Taiwanese, in the Stonework Drafting for Sculpture Symposium of 2017 Hualien International Stone Scuplture Festival
It has been three years since the last festival was held, but now the 11th Sculpture Symposium of “Hualien International Stone Sculpture Festival” is going to take place from July 1 to 31, 2017, while the central part of the festival, “Outdoor Workmanship Camp” had started drafting excellent stonework in full swing openly from both local and oversea scupltural artists since Nov. 7 last year until Jen. 5 this year. There were 213 sculptors from 52 countries around five continents signing up and brought forth an intense competition. After the first grading by the professional jury, 20 workmanship from 8 countries were selected. Then, 12 excellent stonework among them were picked out by way of site models. There were as many as five domestic sculptors qualified, including Feng Zhaizong, Fan Jionglie, Hou Lianqin, Huang Qinghui and Wu Mingsheng.
Chen Shu-mei, the secretary of Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau indicated, now that it is the 20th anniversary of “Hualien International Stone Scuplture Festival” and we haven’t held such activity for three years, both locals and residents from other counties and countries have looked forward to seeing it. So we have publicly drafted and selected 12 sculptors, and invited four famous stone sculptors from local and oversea areas to promote this worthy undertaking together, including Taiwanese artists Wang Guoxian and Cai Wenqing, Chinese artist Liu Yang, French artist Xavier Gonzalez. So we have 16 stone scalputerers totally in the end to join the large-scale creation on the spot in July.
It is a new milestone for Hualien International Stone Sculpture Festival this year due to lots of new faces joining in from both domestical and oversea areas.  Since this activity has built up high popularity around the world, all the entries have high standard and quality. All the incumbent jury unanimously considered the shortlisted works excellent and the styles were quite diverse. On March 24, the bureau held the shortlist selection meeting for the drafting workmanship, as a result, 12 excellent stone sculptors from 7 countries were singled out by five professional committeemen. One of the committeeman who was also the committeeman of 2003 Hualien International Stone Sculpture Festival and the Dean of the Art School, National Taiwan University of the Arts, He Hengxiong said, “Besides elegant and beautiful shapes, all the shortlisted works are very crative. Under such kind of intense competiotion, Taiwanese artists still occupied five of the ranks. It shows that the quality of Taiwanese sculptors are quite outstanding.”
All the shortlisted artists, their nationality and stonework are as follows:
  1. Taiwan (five artists): Feng Zhaizong with his workmanship “Encountering”, Fan Jionglie “The Misty Mountain”, Hou Lianqin “Spring”, Huang Qinghui “Floating Island” and Wu Mingsheng “Illusion in Space”.
  2. Janpan (one artist): Yoshin Ogata “Love's Drop”.
  3. Italy (two artists): Alessio Ranaldi “Overthrow”, Francesco Mazzotta “Breath of the stone”.
  4. Romania (one artist): Petre Virgiliu Mogosanu “Tensions in Space”.
  5. Bulgaria (one artist): Zdravko Zdravkov “Fragment”.
  6. Spain (one artist): Fernando Alvarez Ferez “Sea shell”.
  7. Iran (one artist): Hossein Mollaei Foomani “In waiting”.
The other three candidates on the waiting list includes Romanian artist Nicolae Razvan Mincu with “Memory”, Korean artist Sodong Choe with “Infinity-2150” and Bulgarian female artist Liliya Pobornikova with “Inspiration”.
All the 16 stone sculptors mentioned above, including 12 drafted publicly and 4 invited, will be called on by Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau to attend the site creation at Hualien Harbor Waterfront Recreation Area of Pier 1 during the whole month in July. In the meantime, they will interact with the public. Anyone who is interested are welcome to the venue to cheer for the sculptors on the occasion and explore the beauty of stone carving together.


