Traditional Weaving Technique of the Sediq Tawsay (Shanli) Tribe
Traditional Weaving Technique of the Sediq Tawsay (Shanli) Tribe Traditional Weaving Technique of the Sediq Tawsay (Shanli) Tribe
Traditional Weaving Technique of the Sediq Tawsay (Shanli) Tribe
Category:Traditional Art
Township:  卓溪鄉

Address:  No.9-1, Shanli, Zhuoxi Township, Hualien County, 卓溪鄉, 花蓮縣 982

No:  Mar. 3, 2016 Fu-Wen-Zi-Zi No. 1050040236A

Traditional Weaving Technique of the Sediq Tawsay (Shanli) Tribe

The Tawsay Tribe still preserves traditional patterns and outstanding techniques. In terms of the techniques, the community still uses the ground loom and has retained knowledge of the weaving procedure, including 14 steps from harvesting ramie, peeling bark, hitting yarn, sun-drying, twisting yarn, crimping yarn, spinning yarn, cooking, washing, soaking, sun-drying again, trimming, warping and weaving. Among all of these processes, warping is especially important as the women have to calculate the number of stitches, size and style needed and memorize them in order to complete the weaving. As for the patterns, they include plain weave, twill weave, diamond weave, flower weave, rice weave and raised weave. Seniors are able to weave the patterns from memory.
Uniqueness: Its characteristic color is mainly peach, representing the systematic culture. Moreover, the width of the fabric can reach 45cm, even 60cm, making it quite difficult to weave.
Local Characteristics: It maintains the tradition, which is passed on from Tawsay River basin, and will be passed down in the future, making it an important culture of the Shanli Tribe. Tminun (weaving) the pala (fabric) is not just about production, but also represents the concept of life and the connection with Mother Earth. The weaving-related Waya (religious taboos, ethics and social rules) has been circulated from a long time ago and every Sediq woman is the guardian of the tradition.