在 Cepo'(者播)區域生活的阿美族人,有足夠的大自然養份及豐厚的文化底蘊,這片土地就是最棒的生活區域,展現生命多采多姿的舞台。保持著順應自然的觀念,繼續跟著太陽月亮,把這片美麗的土地、山川、海洋、文化傳承給下一代。
With the sunrise and moonrise, the rhythm of four seasons shapes direction for all creation in the world to move forward. In the past, when indigenous tribes had no contact with modern science and technology, people carried out daily activities such as farming, hunting and fishing according to the messages of the sun, the moon and nature. These seemingly ordinary cycle and change of nature have made the land, the sea, mountains and rivers productive and
rich in resources to nourishing people living here.
Pangcah people who live in Cepo', the estuary of Xiuguluan river area, enjoy the grace of great fecundity and share the richness of cultural heritage. This land, a stage to show the variety of species, the best place to live. In keeping with the thoughts of nature, we continue to follow the sun and the moon and pass on the beautiful land, mountains, oceans and culture to the next generation.