以花蓮壯麗的大山為創作的元素,海岸山 山脈地質上為堅硬的火山岩層除了為西部陸地形成良好的屏障,陡峭巍峨的高山地形更是東部地區的特色景緻。 花蓮高工為台灣相當重要的技職型學校,結合環境資源匯聚各方人才,藉由陶山的 規劃。融合貴校五群八科的特色符號,重新建構出更具有地區特色與校園特徵的大門。
This artwork employs the image of the magnificent mountains of Hualien as its concept. The solid volcanic rock of the Coast Mountains not only protects the west side land, but the high and precipi-tous mountains has become one of the unique features for the East coast. The National Hualien Industrial Vocational Senior High School is quite important vocational high school in Taiwan. The convergence of the environment and professionals in this area, integrating the 5 colleges and 8 divisions symbols into the ceramic mountain design. This is to create a gate that shows the school's uniqueness, as well as the local features.