藝術家:吳建福 /執行單位:形意藝術空間有限公司
作品說明:作品以自然環境為出發,傳達人與自然的防災守護觀念。在面對天然災害前,去做出應變的準備,在日常中建立對天然災害防治的觀念,讓防災成為幸福家園的一種守護力量,如同【洄】作品所要呈現「 平安家園」的概念。作品幾何立體的折線與防災教育館外觀的線條呼應,在作品中間的交岔地帶,加入海潮元素,呼應兩個板塊與海洋之間的自然關係。海潮部分用鋼管線性構成流動所交織的空間。線性中加入圓球,圓球在此代表千千萬萬的自然生命,形成了大地與自然共生的生命體。作品下方燈光加入了地震波感應,當地震來時接收信號,底層的燈會由藍色轉為紅色閃爍 。
“Whirling Water” takes the natural environment as its starting point and showcases the concept of a “peaceful home,” conveying the idea of people working to prevent natural disasters. It is important to make the necessary preparations before facing such disasters, while also making prevention an integral part of daily life as way of protecting our happy homes.
The broken line of the geometric object and exterior lines of the Fire Safety Museum correspond, whereas the intersection in the work and the addition of a tidal element echoes the natural relationship between two tectonic plates and the ocean. The tidal part also utilizes the linear natural of steel pipes to construct a flowing overlapping space. The addition of a sphere represents infinite lives, creating a life form that coexists with the land and nature.
The lights around the base of the work serve as an earthquake wave sensor and when a signal is received indicating a quake they flash on and off, changing from blue to red.