策劃單位:花蓮縣警察局。策劃理念:以警徽之和平鴿為創作發想,象徵警察維持公共秩序,守護社會治安與民眾安全。作品說明:花蓮為好山好水的城市,將山水環抱融入警鴿意象,本作品以白色與藍色為主,藉此呼應警察專業廉能與犧牲奉獻精神,彰顯警察親民愛民護民的形象,讓接近作品的民眾能感受大自然孕育萬物的奧妙,展現出警民一心的精神。Hualien is a city with lovely mountains and waters. The surrounding mountains and waters are integrated into the police pigeons. This work is mainly blue and white, thereby echoing the professional, incorruptible, capable, sacrificial, and dedicated spirit of the police; highlighting the image of the police as people who are close to, love, and protect people; letting people who approach this work feel the wonders of nature, which gives birth to everything; and showing the spirit through which the police and people are shoulder to shoulder.